Fine Arts Room

Fine arts refers to that form of practiced mainly for its aesthetic value and beauty. Art education builds self confidence among students and sharpens their memory by developing creativity which results in social harmony.

The Art Lab is the most important place in the school because it connects maths, science, social studies and other subjects. The teaching learning process becomes enjoyable and easy both for teachers & students.

 The salient features of our Fine Arts Room are:

  • Students get motivated by seeing the colorful displays while entering the lab.
  • The lab is very spacious for displaying artwork.
  • Perfect provision of proper ventilation and light has been provided.
  • Locker facility has been made available to the students for the storage of art work.
  • The lab has been designed in a manner that it is eco-friendly. Here teachers & students use recycled containers.

The art room presents opportunities to students for developing varied artistic interests including woodwork, clay modeling, painting, drawing and craftwork.